Who we are

We are two buddies, that share a love of mobile audio, lighting, and customizing everything. We are true gear heads, from 2 to 18 wheels we have driven them. From simple bolt-ons to metal and wood fabrication, we can do it, or can have it done.

Our shop is relaxed atmosphere, we maintain low overhead, and pass that saving onto our customers. Each of us respectively have 20+ years of fabrication, and engineering, and have full time careers apart from our shop.

We have no ambition for 948 isn’t to take over the 12 volt installer/retailer world. It exist for us to do some installs, and sell product at the best prices, to cover our cost. At the end of the 948 shop is a gathering place for us, our friends and family. Where we can work on our own projects, and make enough to not pay shop expenses out of pocket.

What I am saying, we’re here because we want to be. Not because we have to be. We pick the jobs we want, and that freedom gives us a motivational advantage.

Contact us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!